A properly functioning cooling system must provide the required cooling need constantly,
if the cooling system produces more, the temperature starts to decrease (air temperature for comfort, process temperature or product temperature for technology, etc.), which in all cases means extra costs and can mean either a discomfort or a change in quality,
if the cooling system produces less than the demand, the temperature will start to rise which will cause discomfort or change in quality.
Constantly following the demand is a serious challenge, but the biggest challenge is usually to cover peak needs:
the cooling system is the least efficient
the components of the system are subjected to the greatest stress (including the electrical system, circuit breakers, wires, relays, etc.), which reduces the lifetime of the system and the largest safety devices (backups, circuit breaker, electrical wire diameters, etc.)
the electrical power consumption of the cooling system is the highest, and requires the highest electricity peak
For these reasons, reducing peak demand is a well-understood goal.
By discharging the Thermal Battery during the peak demand period (our control system is automatic), peak demand can be significantly reduced.
The figure above shows the reduction in the daily cooling demand of an office building during peak periods. The blue curve shows the cooling needs (which the cooling system must provide without the Thermal Battery) and the green curve shows the operation of the chiller after Heatventors Thermal Battery was installed. With it, the chiller only needs to cover 70% of the maximum cooling need during peak hours, because the Thermal Battery helps to cover the remaining need. Based on the example, a 30% peak reduction is achieved. (charging the Thermal Battery is only presented for illustration in this example)